Go to the “Forms” section, “All forms” subsection. Here you will see a list of all the forms you have created. To create a new form, click on the “Add form” button in the upper right corner.
In the window that opens, enter the name of the form and click “Add Form”. The editor will open. Enter a description of the form (if necessary) and click “Form Settings”.
The settings window opens:
- The form is only available to students of this school – if you activate this option, only students of your school will be able to fill out the form. All others will be redirected to the school login/registration page.
- Enable “First name” and “Last name” fields – activate this option to add system fields to the form to collect the respondent’s first and last name.
- Enable “Email” field – select this option to add a system field to collect the respondent’s email address.
- You can also insert your own URL (website) where the person will be redirected after submitting the form. If you don’t enter anything in this field, the “Thank you!” pop-up window will appear by default.
Next, you can indicate whether you want to enroll the person into a course or add them to a group after they submit the form, and select the desired course and/or group from the drop-down list.
Important: If the fields for collecting first name, last name, and email are not activated, auto-enrollment to a course/group will not be possible.
Click “Save settings”. The form is created and configured, now you can add fields to collect the necessary information. To do this, click the “Add field” button. The following types of fields are available:
- Text (line) and Text (paragraph) – open response.
- Phone – for collecting phone numbers. This field will automatically pull up the respondent’s country code.
- One from the list – adds several answer options, and the respondent will be able to choose only one.
- A few from the list – adds multiple answers, and the respondent will be able to select several.
- Drop-down – the same as One from the list, but in a drop-down list format.
- Upload file – the respondent will be able to upload a file from their PC. The maximum file size is 10 GB.
Add necessary fields and enter the text of the questions. If the question is required, activate the “Required” toggle to the right of the question.
When everything is ready, click the “Save” button in the upper right corner. Now you can copy the link to your form and place it on your external resources or in your school’s lessons on the Softbook platform.
Done! Now you know how to create and customize forms.