The first section of your school that you should visit after registering on the Sofbook platform and filling out your profile is the “General Settings” section. In this section, you can set the basic parameters for the school’s operation. The section consists of four blocks:

General LMS settings

This block contains the basic settings of the platform: school name, school description – what students see, as well as you and your team on the school login page and the registration page. 

There is also a time zone here. The default setting is Kyiv time. All events, accesses, schedules, and settings are tied to the set time zone.

Registration block

Contains two rules for customization that can be activated:

1. Allow registration. Each school has its registration link. It can be copied and given to the student. If the student does not have a Sofbook account, the platform will prompt the student to enter first name, and last name and come up with a password. If there is a Sofbook account, he will have to enter his email and password from it to register with your school. Such users will get into your school as regular students but without groups and access to courses.

2. Enroll student in course after enrollment – an item that gives students access to your free courses and enrolls them in them automatically. Perfect for tripwires, lead magnets, or other types of products that generate customers.

If your settings allow enrollment, and you want to expand your list of marketing tools to increase student traffic, activate this option. Also, select from the list below the courses or other products you want to provide access to. To collect these students into a separate group, activate the “Add students to the group after enrollment” option and select which group you want to enroll them into.


This section allows you to integrate Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, and Facebook Pixel into your school by simply entering the corresponding tracker ID in the required field and clicking the “Save” button. With these settings, you will be able to gain much more information about the school’s performance, products, and clients.

“Other” block 

The block contains several features: 

  • Autosave in Lesson Builder. If this option is enabled, all your changes in the Lesson Builder will be automatically saved. That is, if you work on lesson filling, take a break for a few minutes, but don’t press the “Save” button in the designer, the platform will do it for you if it notices that the cursor is inactive for 20 seconds.
  • Allow only one active session for students. This option gives you the ability to limit the transfer of account access data between different users. If a student logs into school from one account and then logs in with the same data from another device, only the last device will remain active. This is done to combat account transfer and course sharing on demand by some online schools. 

When all the items of the individual block are customized, click “Save Settings” and move on until everything works the way you want it to.

Done! Now you know how to work with general LMS settings and what they affect.