To connect Telegram notifications to your online school, click on the “Notifications” section. It will open the Softbook Store page with the “Telegram Bot” card. Click on the “More info” button on this card. You will find the instructions for connecting the bot:

1. Create a Telegram bot for your school through @BotFather. Each school can create its own bot, attach its own logo to it, and configure it to receive notifications for students directly from this Telegram bot on behalf of the school.

2. Copy the bot token and paste it into the program settings.

3. Connect the Telegram bot to your LMS profile. First, the school owner connects the bot to the school. Then, each member of the school individually connects to this bot by linking their profile to this bot in the “Settings” section, so that the school knows where and to whom to send specific notifications through the bot. For example, about new orders, homework assignments, etc.

4. Configure the events for which you want to receive notifications. Each user of the online school independently performs these settings, as mentioned above.

Click the “Install” button, and it will open the Telegram configuration page.

Then follow the steps mentioned above:

  • Generate a bot token through @botfather, copy the token, and paste it in the designated field. Activate the “Enable application” option and click the “Save” button.
  • Go to the “Notifications” subsection. You will see the field “Telegram Bot Connection Status.” Follow the steps mentioned in it:

Step 1. Go to your bot and click “start” to get a secret code. This code will link your Telegram account with your school’s account. Your students will only need to complete this step.

Step 2. Copy the code sent by the bot and paste it into the “Secret Code” field. Click the “Connect” button. You will see a highlighted message saying “Telegram bot connected”.

Next, go to the “Notification Events” block – Telegram. Activate all the necessary options here to receive notifications when the corresponding events occur in your online school.

Done! Now you know how to install and uninstall necessary applications in your online school.